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From Roblox Evade Wiki
Revision as of 10:39, 25 February 2024 by RobTosPro (talk | contribs) (Fun commands)

Work in progress

Fun Commands
Command Parameters Default Value Description
!god [Username]
!ungod [Username] Removes godmode
!speed [Value] 1450 Changes speed
!jumpheight [Username] [Value] 3 Set jump height
!music [Audio ID] 0 Sets music
!cleardeployables Clears deployables
!insertvehicle [Vehicle Name]
!clearvehicles Clears all vehicles
!team [Username] [Team Name] Sets team
!forceweapon [Username] [Item] Forces everyone who repsawns or spawns in to have a specific tool (Doesn't have to be a weapon)
!giveitem [Username][Item] Gives specified item
!insertitem Drops specified item on the ground next to you
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